I want to know how does someone do the quote thing on posts I see everyone doing it and I don't exactly know so It would be a great hepl if you people could give me a nice drawn out detailed hint on how to do it.
I want to know how does someone do the quote thing on posts I see everyone doing it and I don't exactly know so It would be a great hepl if you people could give me a nice drawn out detailed hint on how to do it.
There is a "Reply" link above a person's post, along with "email" and "info".
Oh, and Will - could you please use some proper punctuation? Run-on sentences are quite hard to read.
Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.
AIM: obormot345
OIC causeididn'tknowexactlyhowthatworkedandallsoyoumightaswelltrytofindoutwhatiamtypingandwhatswrongwithrunonsentences orsetenceswithnospacestheyaregreat
I think so too, since run on sentences are exactly the kind of sentences which my friend Bob used to use all the time when he was in school with me, which is when he was much cooler than he is now (he's lame now), and back then he was my best friend and best friends are the kind of people whom I really wish to emulate so now I'm still emulating Bob even though he hasn't been my friend for years and I'm really pretty sure that everyone hates it when I just have sentences that go on and on and on and never seem to end because they are so long that it's unbelievable, even by the quite inflated sentence standards of this board which does tend to see many posts which are riddled with run-on sentences, which is what makes this board so cool.
Particle Man, Particle Man. Doing the things that a particle can. What's he like? It's not important. Particle Man. Is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows. Particle Man.