Originally posted by HarvardSlacker:
**So just a general interest question - can someone tell me what the various stats do? In particular, I wonder about 'luck'... I always just assumed it determined the amount of gold you'd find in the 'treasures', etc., and maybe tip various rolls in your favor once in a while, but I don't know. Also, is 'marksmanship' something that only applies to bows, or does it affect you using swords and stuff?
On luck, yes it determines the amount of gold/armor/weapons/food and healing potions/elixers that you get from killing a monster. in the case of everything except gold, it determines the extremity of these items. For example if your luck is high, and you kill, lets say a rogue mage, you might get an of dexterity, but if its low you might get an elixer of strength or vitality. Also, if im not much mistaken, the creature itself factors into the loot you get, ie, if you kill a cobalt youll get less gold than if you kill a stone imp.
on marksmanship, im not exactly sure, i believe its when shooting with a bow, as in hpow many times the arrpw pierces their armor.
on dexterity, the more dexterity you have,the more hits you dish out and the less you are delt (basically if you have a great dexterity monsters tremble at your feet but if its low then its the other way around)
on vitality, the more vitality you have, the more your hp is permenently increased every time you go up a level.
on strength, i think it increases the actual damage that you do every time you make contact with flesh (or spirit as the case may be) and i think without enough of it, you cant clear rubble out of tunnel enrances, although im not totally sure abnout either of these.
on speed, i think it should be a little obvious, it affects how fast your character moves across the screen although it might also affect how fast you swing your sword or shoot your bow although im not totally sure
mind protection decreases the damage of mental attacks, done by creatures such as mindhunters
undead protection decreases the damage done buy undead creatures, like zombies and dark spirits
i think that just about sums up the purpose of the stats.