True Zelda '=} I almost gasped when I read Ben Spees is just barely 21 (Hehe). That's 11 years my junior and I'm only now beginning to settle in on my career choice. Sheesh, do I wish I took computers in high school! (It was offered for the first time ever at my school when I was a junior) Instead, I took, among other things, some classes which are now virtually archaic: Drafting (right down to hand-drawn lettering), bookkeeping (ledgers and rulers type - Quicken was unimaginable), and journalism. Journalism because the way it was taught to me is absolutely nothing like what it is now - from the way we formatted the page (typed, not word-processed) to the principles behind it (non-biased, rigid prescriptive grammar, word-economy...)
Harry resonated with such truth about office life, I had thought it was created during long coffee breaks and lunches and even "clocked hours" in a cubicle at some one's so-called regular job. But Harry wasn't a hobby, Ben? Did you work in an office when you created it? If not, what inspired you?
Excuse the babbling please,
(This message has been edited by Amorisse (edited 01-22-2000).)