You know, from back in the day.
Hey everybody. I've had the urge lately to play two plugs from long past. One was (I believe) Star Wars-A New Republic (there's so many out there, it's hard to remember) and was a World War II total conversion complete with all the battleships, submarines, and planes. It was only a graphics plug, I believe, with no missions but it was still pretty fun. It may have been and EV Override plug but, being that I rarely played Override, I doubt it. Anyone know what happened to these plug-ins? I looked through all of the plugs on the EV addons page and I found one that slightly resembles Star Wars ANR but I'm not sure if that is it. I remember it had some missions with the Sri Ruk or something like that. Anyone know where these wonderful plugs have gone? And if anyone has them, could you email them to me? Thanks everybody.