should i upgrade from my kestrel to a rebel cruiser when I have chance?
and what should i equip it with?(please give all tecnichal stats)
should i upgrade from my kestrel to a rebel cruiser when I have chance?
and what should i equip it with?(please give all tecnichal stats)
I would get the Rebel Cruiser. Use plenty of laser and proton weapons, as well as as many defensive/speed upgrades you can. For secondary weapons, I'd get missiles.
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you might want to carry torpedoes (sp?) if you plan to hunt Confederate Capital ships. (Cruisers or Frigates) both tend to be clumsy and quite prone to torpedo attacks.
Back from the dead
Originally posted by Isaac_Samurai:
**should i upgrade from my kestrel to a rebel cruiser when I have chance?
and what should i equip it with?(please give all tecnichal stats)
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My rebel cruiser
4 laser turrets
4 neutron cannons
1 manta bay
3 mantas(one was lost in battle to a confed cruiser)
1 tritanium
1 armaplast
1 durasteel
1 shield booster
1 shield capicatator
3 speed, acceleration and maneuverability upgrades
1 after burner
2 missle racks
1 mass driver
1 ramscoop
36 missiles
2 identinfiers satellites
1 decoy flare rack
50 decoy flares
1 missle jammer
2 cargo to weapons space upgrades
1 javelin pod
768 javelins
4 defender escorts
2 lighning escorts
ship name: "Bebop"
(This message has been edited by Isaac_Samurai (edited 12-10-2003).)
(Update)My Rebel Cruiser:
4 laser turrets
4 neutron cannons
3 laser cannons
1 manta bay
4 mantas
1 tritanium
1 armaplast
1 durasteel
1 shield booster
4 shield capicatators
3 speed, acceleration and maneuverability upgrades
1 after burner
2 missle racks
1 torpedo launcher
11 torpedoes
1 ramscoop
25 missles
2 identinfiers satellites
1 decoy flare rack
50 decoy flares
1 missle jammer
2 cargo to weapons space upgrades
1 javelin pod
189 javelins
1 defender escorts
4 lighning escorts
1 rapier escort
Ship name: "Bebop"
(This message has been edited by Isaac_Samurai (edited 12-12-2003).)
Switch you laser turrets with proton turrets, they have better rate of fire. Then swith proton cannons for as many laser cannons as you can. Space Bombs are pretty fun too.
"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel