Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Vell Os line...

      Ok...I got caught with that implant...but I tried to bypass the *&?% agents and NOT giving them the rebels for them to switch. Instead I just tried to deliver them at the right spot accordingly to rebel no avail (strange enough):/

      1- Can I quit my collaboration with the bureau now? (Yes, I have a Valkiry with AFT Burner and I've reg) Can someone in that universe remove the crap from my neck? Can I shift side to screw the bureau?

      2- Can I just stop that line 'cause it's not my idea of fun and open game to have NO control over my money (can't spend on new ship else than crap)and NO control over the events being just a stranded "cargo style" collabo?

      Loved that game until that rigid "pipe line" story...

      Tx for your any events I have a saved pilot done before going into that line 🙂


    • Oups...going to EV Nova board...sorry guys!


    • Good catch, locking now 🙂
