Here's more:
1. The Pers ships (Thanks for explaining them, Carnatour.) have pretty realistic personalities.
I have dominated five Independent systems and Capella -- and the bounty hunters have stopped bugging me. I'm "Most Wanted" in the core Confed systems. I jumped into the Pollux system (Confed) and disabled, looted and vaporized 4 Confed Frigates and 2 Confed Cruisers. Out of NOWHERE Andrew's ship jumps in and starts blasting away at me(!).
Long intro, but Andrew (in a VERY beefed-up Luxury Liner) was much tougher to beat than some un-named Pers. This also made me realize...
2. Each time I enter a system and discover Matt's Kestrel is there, I attempt to hail him and fail -- because he's already jumping away. And...
3. Gayle ("Men are pigs!") must have some creative Agression program in her Pers. Sometimes she attacks me. Sometimes she does not. (But I've taken to attacking her whenever I find her now.)
4. All of the above makes me wonder how long it will be before I jump into a system and all the "Rotten-chester" EV pilots are ganged-up to blast ME.... Ah, the anticipation of a good brawl really gets my blood pumping...!
Let's see what this button does....