I knew it. I knew Tiamat would get involved in webstories. Pity
(s)he got roped into Empire before I could drag him/her over to EVO. Pity.
Tiamat, webstories are attempts at multiplayer novels. In a battle situation, players are expected to take everything into account and write what they think happens. There's always bias, of course, but that tends to even out as the two contesting players each place their own bias into battle posts. If it gets out of hand, we have moderators (GMs or DMs if you've ever played RPGs) to moderate on posts and say what is allowed and what isn't.
Generally, you'll see a lot of fighting, a tad of diplomacy and a few pockets of character development. If you don't like how much the story concentrates on battle, get the other two into your posts as much as you can. No reason to let everyone else ruin things for you. There's often a struggle between tacticians and novellists in webstories, but it usually works out.
Asriel, why have you gone back to Sattomax?
-Lyat Esponer Corsair