Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Mac- I keep trying to reply your e-mail, but my account does not like your address for some reason. The e-mail just won't send...Would you rather me just post the e-mail here?
Sure, you can post it in the new discussion thread, or here if you want. Can you tell me what kind of error you're getting? My dad does professional tech support for PCs and non-pro tech support for Macs (which he does like better, thank god
), so we may be able to figure out what the problem is.
Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
Skyblade or Mac, Not all of us have cable modems and this Players Needed thread has gotten really slow at 56k. How about starting a new "BFS Conference"(?) thread to continue the discussions in this current thread. (You could copy the rules to the new thread and we 56k-ers could access the info more effeciently.)(/b)
Originally posted by General Rak:
I have a problem with this. As in EV, old ships should be devalued by at least 50%. I, for one, would not pay full price for a used warship.
Also, how come the Human Confederation developed 2 new weapons (the flak turret and quad turbolaser turret), in one turn? I thought it was only 1 outfit per turn.(/b)
Hm, yes, grunadulater's post is rather odd. His math is rather odd too, but at least he's erring against himself. Something obviously needs done there, but with no precedent or rule to call on, I think I'll let Captain Skyblade call this. My instinct would be that he can't sell ships, certainly not for full price. We may need a new rule to cover this.
As for the new weapons, there was one for page 1, and one for page 2. Nothing wrong there.
Thanks for brining your points up here, not on the topic. Next time, we have a new thread specifcally for these types of things now, so that one would be a better place in the future. I'm just calling attention to the new one, you did absolutely right this time, because it wasn't up yet.
Almost doesn't count, but barely does.
"The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."
- Jeff Foxworthy