Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Need your help with...

      I was playing the game and got an assignment in my scout ship (unmodified) to deliver engineers to Turvi IV (I think thats it, the terra forming world) and during that or one of the follow ups I came to the planet TIV and witnessed a major battle between rebels and confed. Staring many giant ships. Me with no escorts, it was bold of me to even try to land. I was over the planet and suddenly Between L-s (for landing) I was hailed by one of the ships. The SS something or other which sent a several line message and the my finger finished the down stroke. I missed the message, has any one got any Idea what that message was. I know it probably doesn't matter now but... well I wanna know, what did I miss.
      Then I was in another bar and got another mission to deliver parchments or scrolls or something to Hera. I knew I'd need escorts for my scout ship but even then the fake tie fighters (those paper skinned fighters) was after me I landed on hera and handed over my cargo and hit okay but the realised I never read the message. What did I deliver to whom and what cause did I aide?
      If you can help me I'd appreciate it.
      Now for some gratuitus smilies.
      🙂 :frown: :redface: 😄 😉 😛 🆒 :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: 😕

      ...your amazing.
      "No, I am better than that."

    • Delivering parchments or scrolls is either the first Starbound Express (I can't actually remember the name of the company, I don't pay attention), or it could be the opening mission for the rebels or confeds. I can't think of anything else that it could be from the bar... any other ideas?


    • the hail was almost certainaly either "we are under attack! anyone who can, please assist", or "<player name>, I have a cargo mission for you if you're interested". neither of them are important (especialy not the first one!).

      as far as the other thing is concerned, the two closest cargos are "parcels" and "documents", and i think there are four missions this could have been:

      a) "transport rebel parcels": youre now a member of the rebellion. check their planets' bars for more missions.
      🆒 "transport confed documents": youre now a member of the confederation. same deal.
      c) "help starbound shipping": you can now get the rest of the starbound shipping missions. check around for them.
      d) "ferry important documents": second in the starbound shipping missions. again, just check around for more missions.

      it could only have been a or b if you have a combat rating (which you might not if you only have a scoutship) and got it from a system where you are well-liked by that government.


    • Well I'm combat rated as harmless so I'm hoping it was one of the star bound missions.
      But I'm farmiliar with the standard hails for assistance but this wasn't one. First it was a large military ship (i think) and it was too long for the standard stuff. and it was Turin not Turvi. It was the biggest message i've seen from a hail, almost as big as some ports have for when they unload cargo. But I didn't have a mission running for them. At this point I'm fresh from a shuttle craft to a scout unmodified and am doing only missions like rush cargo and emergancey cargo deliveries to earn enough to go straight to a kestrel. I'd delivered the engineers for the terraforming, then was sent to dune for terraforming equipt. on one of these I entered the system and got a hail that I did get to read. It may have been a request or a threat but it was longer than any I've ever seen before.

      ...your amazing.
      "No, I am better than that."