My favorite plugs of all time:
1. Frozen Heart and sequel(s)
2. F-25
There are other plugs I like immensly, but in my opinion those are the greatest. EVGE is the greatest non-TC plug made for EV, F-25 is the greatest non-TC plug made for Override, and Frozen Heart is bar none the greatest plug made for the EV/O engine. I don't even want to think about what Martin Turner will do with the FH universe once the EV Nova Bible is released. Frozen Heart I really believe transcends all boundaries, it goes beyond the traditional "go here, blow that up, come back" atmosphere in many plugs (not that that aspect is bad, but you know what I mean). There is a real STORY behind FH, and a lot of thought put into the new is simply a marvelous piece of work no matter how you look at it.
Runner-ups would be Galactic Scourge, Reign of the Voinians (the first one), Secession, the SW2 plug, and the Fourth Reich.
Of course this is just my opinion, and different people like different plugs depending on their character and the type of individual they are.