Which do you like:
manta vs patrol ship
destroyer vs frigate
rebel cruiser vs confed cruiser
my votes are all for the rebel ships cuz they are quicker.please explain your choices
Which do you like:
manta vs patrol ship
destroyer vs frigate
rebel cruiser vs confed cruiser
my votes are all for the rebel ships cuz they are quicker.please explain your choices
sorry i accidentally put two up oops so please use the first one
Originally posted by The Catacomb:
manta vs patrol ship
destroyer vs frigate
rebel cruiser vs confed cruiser
Patrol Ship
Confed Cruiser (as much as I hate to admit it)
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Patrol Ship...Mantas die in hordes...
Destroyer, duh. Who wants to sit there while you get pelted by ranged weapons? Also, torpedoes aren't very effective against ships which move fast.
Cruiser. Once again, the confed cruiser sucks big time. The damn thing can't even turn around in time to use its useless neutron blaster.
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Confed frigate sucks, just plain sucks...why??
any way...
patrol ship
confed crusier
patrol ship 3
manta 1
destroyer 4
rebel cruiser 2
confed cruiser 2
Rebel Crusier
"I watch a lot of baseball on the radio" -Gerald Ford
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Altough the Patrol Ship usually beats the Manta (although I hate to admit it), the Manta is overrall much better. It has better maneuvering, and better weapons primary weapons, and better recharge (I think).
The Rebel Destroyer almost always beats the Confed Frigate. Confed Frigates stink!
patrol ship=3
frigate= 0
rebel cruiser=3
confed cruiser=2
Hmm. For me, the Manta usually beats the Patrol Ship. I usually have the game speed set to 125% though. That could effect it.
Patrol Ship vs. Manta: Manta
Frigate vs. Destroyer: Destroyer
Confed Cruiser vs. Rebel Cruiser: Tie. (They usually end up disabling each other.)
"Question boldly even the very existance of a God, for if there is one he must surely apreciate the homage of Reason rather than a blindfolded fear." -Thomas Jefferson
Sorry for saying this but this topic has been done so many times that I can count them on two hands. Oh, what the hell,
1. Patrol Ship, more heavily equipped, a bit slower than the Manta but it doesn't matter and they can take out 2 Manta's at a time.
2. Frigate, more shields and armour than the Destroyer, more weapons etc.
3. Rebel Cruiser, they get all their Manta's out in 1 second, they are faster than the Confed Cruiser which gives them a tactical advantage in dogfight, they don't have Neutron Cannons but they have more turrets than the Confed Cruiser. When the Rebel Cruiser and the Confed Cruiser go against eachother, the Rebel Cruiser win every time. Or both of them ends up disabled.
This make the Confederation win 2/1 over the Rebellion.
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I think that all of the above posted rebel ships work better.
Whenever I see a patrol ship and manta fighting, they either kill each other or the manta wins.
The rebel destroyer is superior to the Confederate frigate because 1. the destroyer has much better maneuverabilty (sp?) 2. the destroyer can easily dodge torpedoes, whereas the frigate is slow and is susceptable to torpedoes. Also, whenever I see a destroyer duking it out with a frigate, either they disable each other, or the destroyer wins.
The rebel cruiser is faster, can launch fighters quicker, and has a better turn rate than the Confederate cruiser.
Basically, if the Confederation didn't have the gunboat, the Rebellion would kick their butts all the way to the alien homeworld, where they wouldn't exactly be welcome. :rolleyes:
YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PabbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
Rebel ships are the best. And how many times is this topic gonna appear on the board again?
Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**Sorry for saying this but this topic has been done so many times that I can count them on two hands. Oh, what the hell,
1. Patrol Ship, more heavily equipped, a bit slower than the Manta but it doesn't matter and they can take out 2 Manta's at a time.
2. Frigate, more shields and armour than the Destroyer, more weapons etc.
3. Rebel Cruiser, they get all their Manta's out in 1 second, they are faster than the Confed Cruiser which gives them a tactical advantage in dogfight, they don't have Neutron Cannons but they have more turrets than the Confed Cruiser. When the Rebel Cruiser and the Confed Cruiser go against eachother, the Rebel Cruiser win every time. Or both of them ends up disabled.
This make the Confederation win 2/1 over the Rebellion.
Actually, no they don't have more turrets, unless you adjusted that. Confeds have 4 proton turrets. Rebel cruiser has 3 I think. If not they have 4, but they don't have more then the confed cruiser.
The Confed cruiser, if it doesn't keep switching to the fighters, can beat the rebel cruiser. It uses torpedoes and the Rebel cruiser uses missiles and rockets. Confed cruiser normally ends up winning for me.
Those who stand, will always fall.
The rebels rule.
The destroyer is my favorite and next comes the Rebel Cruiser. The destroyer is better than the frigate and that has been proved in one of the time this topic was posted. The Confed. Cruiser is stronger though. This is another fact of life. You may beat the tar out of them all the tim in you reb cruisers but it is a fact of stock ships that the confed ship wins. The rebels are stronger overall though.
Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.
Patrol ship
Rebel Destroyer
Rebel Cruiser
Confed patrol ship
rebel Destroyer
rebel cruiser