Could someone fill me in on the differences between shields and armor so that I don't have to download and read the bible?
I know that weapons do differing amounts of damage to shields and armor (lasers do more to shields, protons are balanced, most projectile weapons do more to armor). I know that they both regenerate. I seem to remember reading that you are disabled at 1/3 remaining armor. But . . .
Are the 100 Armaplast units really 6+ times more protection from proton bolts than one shield cap? It seems like in a lightning I outfitted, it takes a while for 85 units of shields (4x15 from caps plus 25 original units) to get knocked out, but that the 105 units or armor (original plus armaplast) go really quickly (or is it just that I'm closer to being sent to my escape pod without my dinner?). If they are really equivalent, and since it is easy to avoid projectiles, why is armor so dirt cheap? One cap is 90K for 15 units, while you can get 250 units of durasteel for the same price (even if missles do 50% more damage to it and that 1/3 remaining thing means you only get 2/3 of what you're paying for, you still get more than 7 times the protection). Of course mass is a concern, but at 30K and 5 tons, 100 units of armaplast should be the hottest thing on the market. What gives?
In what might be a related issue, laser bolts have about a 10 damage rating, but all my experience is that they do about 1 shield unit of damage. I see about the same ratio with missles and so on. Is there just a factor of 10 scaling in there?
just wondering/wandering around,