Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Screen Shots?

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      I want Yours!!!

      Hola all you evil bank hackers out there (see spam threads).

      I am trying to find some great screen shots of this game to extend our current supplies on our site and when supplied to media sources.

      I'm not going to lie, I haven't gotten half as far as you folks, and I would love to have some varied screen shots for this product! If you have any or want to take any over the next day or so I would love to see what people produce to show off the depth of this game!

      (your friendly neighborhood Admin)

    • Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but I really don't think that you can get much in the way of dynamic screenshots in Uplink. Once you have a shot showing the map, a password prompt, and a LAN hack, you have pretty much shown everything that there is to show. I can grab screenshots of some of that stuff later in the week (I am pretty much swamped until Friday), but I am not sure how interesting they will be...


    • @darwinian, on Feb 3 2009, 06:23 PM, said in Screen Shots?:

      Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but I really don't think that you can get much in the way of dynamic screenshots in Uplink. Once you have a shot showing the map, a password prompt, and a LAN hack, you have pretty much shown everything that there is to show. I can grab screenshots of some of that stuff later in the week (I am pretty much swamped until Friday), but I am not sure how interesting they will be...


      This I realize...
      hence the reason I turned to the forum....

    • We need someone to do a bank heist. A successful one, with a several-million credit payoff and without getting caught, and take screen shots of the robber in action. A screenie of the robber transferring the money would be ideal.


    • First play through in a long time, so got some death shots. Will get more later if they're still need 🙂

      Forgot about hotlink protection. Fixed 🙂

      This post has been edited by kickme : 07 March 2009 - 05:01 PM

    • I think one of the coolest looking screens is when your cracking a cypher code:
      Attached File Hack_2.pdf (44.22K)
      Number of downloads: 14

      (flickr doesn't seem to like me anymore so uploading was kind of an ordeal)

    • Your file doesn't work, it seems to have been corrupted...

      Ever heard about Dropbox? That should save you the pain of uploading the file anywhere. coughif you use my referral link you and I will both get 250 MB extra in storage space for freecoughotherwise the main site is herecough

    • I checked out the app, but it's 10.4+ and I'm running 10.3.9 (feels worse because of multiwinia). I messed witht the format a little less and flickr through me a bone, here's the shot:

    • Huh. I had forgotten that OS X 10.3.9 wasn't supported by Dropbox. Once you get an account registered, you can access files from the web interface, though, so if you can install it on another, newer machine you'll be able to access your files from the 10.3.9 machine...

      Anyway, that's a nice screenshot, but it's got plenty of black space for my taste.