A quick thing I'd like to note, since this has been an idea I've had for a long while.
While replacing the fallen M4D is the obvious first step to make, ultimately, I don't think a list of info fields and values to put in them is actually very useful. It seems to me that the only way to be able to do anything truly interesting in FW requires not just knowing how any individual part works, but how they can fit together. The shield goblin can be a pushover or a serious nuisance, depending on where he stands.
Given Ferazel's ever-failing health, (no matter how much brine we try and soak him in,) having a fully-comprehensive Ferazel encyclopedia seems to be the thing to aim for, both as a reference for those still working, and the best kind of tribute to offer. (Besides, that's the logical course of action for any small cult wiki, isn't it?)