I don't know when it started, but I tried to play Uplink the other day after not playing for a few months. I started a new account, and found that programs won't work. They open up, but won't work. The tutorial won't go to the next page, the file deleter will let you choose a program, but won't delete it. I also noticed that the time never passed. I checked my other, older accounts, and they've got the same problem. So I downloaded the new 1.3.3 (didn't just update, got the whole new program), and its got exactly the same problem.
I looked in the Introversion forums for Uplink, and found a PC user with the same problem, and they said he should delete some .dll file, and it worked for him. Well, we don't have those files. Can anyone help?
NEED HELP: Programs Won't Run, Time Never Passes
5 7 1093
try to delete the option in the "user" directory...