Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Passive Traces

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      Hey all.

      I am having problems being constantly passively traced. I am pretty good about going back to Internic and deleting my logs, but it always seems like I am getting traced. Most recently I hacked a bank, bought a new gateway and nuked it to be sure that no traces where going to find me. I then bought another gateway, and started upgrading it. I didn't hack anything. While waiting for my hardware to arrive, I get kicked out, "you have been reported" blah blah blah. How can this happen? I thought that the whole point of nuking your gateway was to eliminate traces? Help, am tired of having to start over....


    • In terms of the bank hack, you must also delete the transfer logs in the account statement sections for each account. Otherwise, the banks will quickly and easily determine that you 'stole' the money by transfering it to your own account! Beyond that, it sounds like you are doing the right things. Make sure you have the highest version of log deleter, or the banks will sometimes 'undelete' your deleted logs and trace you. Banks are VERY fast and persistent with both their active and passive traces.

      Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!

    • Yeah, I managed to hack the bank, no problem, I transfered ect. and my skill level was uprgraded, so that worked. It was a different server that tracked me down, I hacked into it ages ago, like a month game time.....wierd, eh?
