Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Imagine an online uplink world

      3 3 276

      Imagine if uplink became an online game where you had to try and get your rank up while preventing from being hacked by others. You would have multiple servers so groups of ther hackers couldnt gang up on you, and you could group to hack LAN's and stuff. with a huge story line and stuff where you had to have help in order to finish a mission, and there would be custom gateways and even more things to buy and stuff. and stuff and stuff... :p. plus you could edit your own profile(face occupation, social security, academic records, and etc.). that would be so cool.
      Maybe that can be possible.
      oh and if this is already thought of or made and im rambling on like an idiot then please say so.
      but my question(s) is/are what do you guys think of that and do you have any other ideas that would be cool?

      Tell me.... How does it feel to stare into my cold eyes and know that I'm of paranormal existance....?
      Do we really exist? or perhaps, we are in a dimension where all is still and the energy created by one creates an illusion of active growth and life...

    • If you look at the downloadable bonus materials and the Introversion server you'll find a rough outline that they made for Uplink Online. That said, I don't think it's ever going to happen, great as it would be.

      MU* addict

    • Well, they wouldn't do it, especially since they committed themselves to another project. However, with some of my programming work so far, I would be able to contribute network code, server code and a simple scripting engine if there are others willing to work on other portions. I would like to see this happen, and would gladly contribute time and code to such a fan project. The catch would be that we can't link it to Uplink for copyright reasons, and would have to work on our own feel for such a game.
