I've been disavowed a number of times after hacking a bank. I'm not even stealing money, just doing "client wishes to make a donation" missions. Most of the time I never get caught but, if someone could look at what I do and make a suggestion, I'd really appreciate it.
1. connect to bank through multiple bounces
2. enable level 5 proxy and monitor bypassers
3. perform transfer
4. delete logs at Internic
I delete everything except my connection log. In fact, lately I've been hacking into Uplink's test server (my second bounce) first, deleting logs and then going to Internic. Anyway, it's very troubling.
p.s. I haven't taken the chance but, if I have two different transfer missions at one bank, can I complete them in one shot using L5 monitor and proxy bypassers? Does the trace start after I disconnect?