Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • admin question

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      alright getting admin seems pretty easy - just crack the pword and leave. However, when I do sometimes I still dont have access. Is this because I need to delete the logs from that specific system so they dont know someone hacked them and change it?


    • You have to be very fast to KEEP admin access. If they get through half the trace or more, they'll change the admin password and you'll lose admin access. But if you're quick, and you get out (make sure to delete the one log file that says you logged in as the admin) then you'll have admin access to that server for a short period of time. However, they routinely change their passwords so you'll have to go in again and get it back after a few hours.

      Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
      -Edgar Bergen

    • so basically, when I want to change records (global criminal database missions), which forces me to go through tons of servers that I have admin access to (b/c if I dont they trace me in 60 seconds), I need to go into a bunch of servers, get admin access, leave quickly.....and right after hack the gcd?


    • I've had admin access on some servers for ages. One trick is, as said above, to be quick about it. Another is what I often recommend -- Monitor Bypass!

      If you run the monitor bypass on the Monitor before you start cracking an admin pass, they will not actively trace you! Then all you need to do is bounce through 3-4 public servers, run bypass, run breaker, disconnect and you have admin. Best part is that some of the systems you hack this way will never/rarely change admin log/pass since they don't know they've been hacked 🙂

      Clear a bounce log, though. Always.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it