Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Need help big time, totally lost... :(

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      Okay, I downloaded Uplink last night and I started playing it just now. It's so cool! But I absolutely can't figure out how to get anything done. I went through the three tutorials but some of the interface is very confusing and difficult. For example, I have no trouble getting into a server, but once I'm there I can't copy files to my own computer. It downloads them and it says to choose a memory location. So I open up my little memory status window and click on the area of memory I want the file put in... and nothing happens. Eventually I had to bail because they were going to complete their trace (I almost got traced about five or six times while trying to hack into the server), and afterwards I got an email saying I'm now "Untrustworthy" and I have a $1000 fine (which I can't afford) due in a week. Basically, after the tutorial, I took the first mission in the list of missions that I could. I had to hack into some computer and steal a file. Even if I could figure out how to do all that stuff, I doubt I'd have enough time to delete all my logs as well. Help, please? It seems like such a cool game and I'm not going to just abandon it immediately, but it's SO hard!

      Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
      -Edgar Bergen

    • I can't copy files to my own computer. It downloads them and it says to choose a memory location. So I open up my little memory status window and click on the area of memory I want the file put in... and nothing happens. <<

      You need to left-click on the copy file bar (with CPY at the end) to attach it to your mouse, and then move it over to your memory bank and click on the memory square.

      It took me awhile to get the hang of it. (But I had plenty of times through the demo to get good)

      You can practice it by copying your programs in your own memory. (I like to put the copy and delete files at the top, so I copy them there, then delete the originals)

      Good luck!!


    • Ricia, to quote, hit the reply button, or type (Q U O T E) (/ Q U O T E) (without the spaces) around what you want quoted

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • I don't see any reply button except the one I'm already hitting. But I'll remember the html style commands. Thanks. (I was wondering how people did that)

      (I picked up my quoting habits from GEnie and Compuserve. It shows, doesn't it <g> )


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ricia:
      **I don't see any reply button except the one I'm already hitting.


      Ohhhhhhhhhhh. =That= reply button. The one in tiny grey type that my nearsighted eyes glossed right over.

      Sorry. Got it now.

