Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • #Avara

      2 3 426

      Well, since one person seemed to show interest, I'm going to reopen the avara chat room on Since I'm not always on, it may not be on all the time and maybe someone with a broadband connexion can keep it up instead. I'll ask moki just to make sure it's still okay and maybe y'all can talk about stuff there. Just trying to help out. There Edgar. Enjoy.

      To rehash:
      port 6667

      And it's been approved by moki. So let's go.

      Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
      (url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

      (This message has been edited by Captaintripps (edited 12-03-2001).)

    • I remember reading somewhere (I think in some Q&A;) that it was ok to open whatever little chatrooms you wanted too on their IRC server.

      Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

    • It does say that, but I've found it's always a good idea to check with moki anyway.


      Originally posted by Defender:
      **I remember reading somewhere (I think in some Q &A;) that it was ok to open whatever little chatrooms you wanted too on their IRC server.


      Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
      (url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future