Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Internet Play

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      I would actually search for this topic, but it seems there is a major lack of topics on this board. So I'm going to ask directly:
      What is the best way to find people to play with online? I have only recently started playing Avara, and I would really like to play on the internet. I really didn't understand what they were saying in the manual; I've never been involved much with network play. Any helpful responses are welcome!

      UBB Legal Paradox:
      Can you flame a spammer?

    • this is shameless self-promotion, but you might want to try

      to answer a variety of questions you might have...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DeathGuru:
      **this is shameless self-promotion, but you might want to try

      to answer a variety of questions you might have...**

      Well, if he can't figure out how to join a net game from what the manual says, I don't think any strategy guides will help.

      Your "basics" alas doesn't address the issue.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebelswin_85:
      **What is the best way to find people to play with online?

      RTFM! Oh, you say you did.

      Ok, let's walk through it.
      ::dons technical writer hat::

      Start Avara. Make sure you're set for TCP/IP play by going to the Network Menu and checking TCP/IP. You should also check your bandwidth settings. Start at Moderate if you're on 56k modem, High if you're on cable, DSL or a direct connect. For more information on these settings head to the Chronicles section.

      Bring up the player window (command-3) and click on "Connect To Server", bringing up the client login window.
      Now click on the "Look for Server" button. The setting in the tracker field should say "" without the quotes. Click on the "Search" button.

      If you're on at the right time you'll see a listing of active servers. Click on a server listing and then click "Select" or "Select IP". That will put that server's IP# in your client login window. Click on the "connect" button, and you should join that server.

      If there are no servers active you'll get a text message in the window on the right stating that, and asking why don't you start one.

      ::takes off hat::

      Course you should also check out the Microtracker. It allows you to check for Avara servers without having to start Avara up, that way you can just do a quick check, and if someone is on you can then start Avara up.

      You can also check for active Avara servers on the web:

      Let us know if that helps.

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

      (This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 11-11-2000).)

    • I could not have put that better myself. Very nicely explained, Taz!

      Best Regards,
      Urban "Robin Hood" Weigl

    • Thanks for the help. I hope (or possibly don't hope) to see you around.

      UBB Legal Paradox:
      Can you flame a spammer?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robin Hood:
      **I could not have put that better myself. Very nicely explained, Taz!


      Do I know you? 🙂


      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%