Originally posted by Firebird:
**I always found the Onas pulse gun to be a very significant advantage. I found it faster to kill the carriers by just plain shooting and circling a lot easier.
I thought that one mission with the Salrilian Bunker station was by far the hardest. I never could beat it the way it was meant to me beaten (actually capturing the station).
Hornet's Nest is one of my favorite missions though. But I don't know how you guys keep those HVD's alive, because I'm usually the one doing all the work. I've had limited success killing the Audmedon ships first, with the Gunship giving me the most trouble. I usually blow the interdictor up fast, then hightail it out of there and use superior numbers and ganging up to kill the Audemedons. I find it very helpful to keep the carriers together, so I always send two of the carriers to the other. Also, because of the HVDs' higher firepower and the AI's not-so-good piloting skills, I transfer to those after blowing up the interdictor.
I've never been able to beat The Left Hand the "proper" way (by defeating the Salrillian Station), though I can beat it easily by simply making all of my ships target the enemy planet, build a transport, and take a course AROUND the station, then land there. Peace of cake.
I think the hardest levels are Yo Ho Ho, The Mothership Connection, and Hornet's Nest. Make Way used to be hard, but I can beat it pretty easily now. The key is to take control of and keep the enemy Flake Drone. Doing so will prevent Assault Transports from getting to the stations and giving you a hard time. My strategy may not always get the Obish Battleship, but I can beat it all the time without the Battleship anyway.
Now, what's a good idea for something to put in my signature?