im currenty using photoshop for making graohics for coldstone. photoshop is one of the heaviest, currently best art packages around that saves in a ton of formats. also you dont have to buy the latest version. version 5 or 6 will do you just fine and cost hundreds less. you can look on ebay for older versions.
for animating 3d objects i use hash animation master. (url="http://"")
for making 3d objetcs and editing with some decent animation built in id recomend cinema 4d XL6 or XL7. i dont have it yet but my friend actually uses it at college and prefers it over lightwave.
i have to say if you know the 3d program and hash pretty well then making a set of animations like this is basic training. and the cool thing is, once you have the animations set up you can vary them slightly and crank out new enemies and classes with different models.