I have noticed a rather distressing lack of in-depth tutorial or documentation to accompany Coldstone, and have been trying to think of ways to fix this. I do not have the time nor the drive to research it sufficiently enough to attempt to write any sort of definitive guide, but I would be willing to donate a few hours each week to work on gathering and organizing a cooperative "Coldstone Project" to organize a resource of tricks, tips, and tutorials. I would do this in three ways: 1) go through this webboard's backlog of posts to extract useful bits and pieces; 2) experiment on my own (time permitting); and 3) arrange a way to get submissions from all of you other Coldstone users who are so much wiser in its ways (again time permitting). For this project I would mostly only be able to play the role of editor and organizer, since my own expertise is limited at best.
What I need to know is if there is significant enough interest for me to start this project, or if it would be a waste of my time. I am also interested in hearing from anyone who would be able to help out; I am as of yet a very amateur web-designer (work with html, and am learning JavaScript in my spare time) so if I was alone in the initial programming of the home of this it would take a little while to be released and fully functional. Other ideas are also very welcome.
So anyway; what do you people think? Is this worth going ahead with, or are these message boards sufficient?
"The tongue in the cheek is harder to bite."