I think you mgiht hasve stumbled onto a bug, DS_Store is a resource...like i said, if it is not visible within your 'classes' folder then it might be an invisible file that is being read/recognized by accident...
I assume that you've created a build or at least a 1mb executable, if so delete the prevous build and build again if it appears this time you might have a bug.
one other strange but true...is that the engine can rename files and place them in odd places..a similar error can be found on Glenn's bug list...another can be found here (url="http://"http://ellrx.250free.com/longname.txt")LongName(/url).
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' softWare: "eLL'_e_vated" :Last updated 11.17.02(/url)
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(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/download/index.html")5 coldStone specific PDFs(/url)