Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I think you mgiht hasve stumbled onto a bug, DS_Store is a i said, if it is not visible within your 'classes' folder then it might be an invisible file that is being read/recognized by accident...

      I assume that you've created a build or at least a 1mb executable, if so delete the prevous build and build again if it appears this time you might have a bug.

      one other strange but that the engine can rename files and place them in odd places..a similar error can be found on Glenn's bug list...another can be found here (url="http://"")LongName(/url).


    • Celchu: Yes. The list reads: Swordsman, Mage, Ranger, Rogue, DS_STORE

      OgreBob: No, I didn't have a teleport, but I fixed things by putting them in another event and doing a call-event.

      "Look, a distraction!" -Fletcher Dostie

    • I'm fairly sure that you can delete the DS_Store file - at least, if it's the same as the ".DS_Store" (notice the period) files which the OS X Finder tends to spew all over the place. Those files, at least, are just OS X's way of storing a folder's view settings (icon sizes, list view versus icon view, etc.)

      I don't know what I'm talking about.
      Oh no, here comes another learning experience.
      (url="http://"")Coldstone 1.0.1 Bug List(/url) - last update 10/10/2002
      (url="http://"")Stark Bledfast's Coldstone Debugging 101(/url)

    • I agree with Glenn on this one those .DS_Store file show up everywhere in OS X.2

      Basically all the .DS_Store does is hold the information which controls the way the folder will be opened i.e. the shape and size of the window, the position of the window on the desktop and whether file, folder or icon view has been selected. If you were to delete the .DS_Store the folder would revert to the system default next time it is opened and a new blank .DS_Store would appear (invisibly). if you cant delete them you may have change the visiblity.


      Shift Pattern Graphics at (url="http://"")
      See Coldstone_Tips at: (url="http://"")CGE_Tips(/url)

      (This message has been edited by straytoaster (edited 11-24-2002).)

    • Where do I find the file to delete? Oh, and it is .DS_STORE

      "Look, a distraction!" -Fletcher Dostie