Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Need Help With Map Editor

      Whenever i start a new map dimensions pop up an i want them to be the same as the boberus city. How do i tell what dimensons to put in or what dimensions can anybody reccomend i use.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Help:
      Whenever i start a new map dimensions pop up an i want them to be the same as the boberus city. How do i tell what dimensons to put in or what dimensions can anybody reccomend i use.

      Mr. Help,

      I assume you are inquiring about the Coldstone Game Editor. I do not recall off the top of my head what the dimensions are of Boberus City, but most outdoor areas, which include the towns, in the Pillars of Garendall game are 200 X 200.

      When I develop maps for use with POG, I generate outdoor maps to be 200 X 200, with movement tiles being 32 X 32 and the other tile set(background tiles? I forget the name) to be 96 X 96, and this has served me well. The game editor is designed so that you can choose whatever settings you want so as to be able to have full control over what you design. So make a few maps and you will get a feel of how big you want things to be.

      Finally I'd like to offer you 3 pieces of advice for future web board postings: First register yourself on the web board. You do not need to have purchased anything from Ambrosia in order to register. Just click on the registration button and fill out the web form. What this does is allow you to post new topics on any of Ambrosia's web boards. Which leads to the second piece of advice which is to post this type of topic to the Coldstone board, where people who are using Coldstone hang out and can aid you with your projects. And lastly please include all pertinent information in your questions. This post, for example, does not identify what you are using(Coldstone). Had I not read the Coldstone tutorial I would have had no clue what Boberus city was nor what you were doing. Please make it easier on the reader by stating what you are using, and what you are trying to do.

      Thanks and good luck. Please feel more than free to post further bug-related questions on this board, or developmental questions on the Coldstone board.

      Calvin: People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

      Hobbes: Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?

    • Hello-
      Mr. Bledfast has pretty much covered things.

      I'll move this topic to the Coldstone forum for more input.

      I suggest you also read through the other topics - the Coldstone board is a wealth of information.

      David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.