Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • COldstone is coming for Windows...I'm

      If the editor is being developed in RealBASIC, how is Coldstone Windows-compatible...or is RB now WIndows compatible too? Dumb question, I know.


      When man finally became dominant over Earth, he looked upwards to the Heavens...One can easily imagine paleolithic man staring space ward, wondering what it would be like to cross that inconceivable distance and bridge the gap between worlds, to what mysteries were held in the grasp of far planets... --Halo Prologue

    • test.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

    • Love the new colours, Andrew 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Amy2:
      **Love the new colours, Andrew:)


      What do you mean new colors??? 🙂

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

    • Nice! I like the colors...but about my question...


      When man finally became dominant over Earth, he looked upwards to the Heavens...One can easily imagine paleolithic man staring space ward, wondering what it would be like to cross that inconceivable distance and bridge the gap between worlds, to what mysteries were held in the grasp of far planets... --Halo Prologue

    • REALbasic compiles to Windows.

      "My guitar gently weeps." George Harrison, 1943-2001

    • I have the incredibly strong desire to karma slap moki for going OT..damn his divine privaleges! 😛

      Yeah, REALBasic can compile Windows stuff know, and the actual game engine is done in C++.

      Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
      Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

      "Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge, you may not know the hardships people don't speak of,
      It's best to step back, and observe with couth, for we all must meet our moment of truth." - (url="http://"")Guru(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by the Necromicon:
      **Yeah, REALBasic can compile Windows stuff know, and the actual game engine is done in C++.

      REALBasic is trully stable only on pre-OSX systems (i.e. "classic"). It could appear to be stable on OSX and Windows but that's for hello world applications or the like. Actually, the C++ part of Coldstone (the compilers and the runtime) are 100% cross-platform. I don't deny nor acknowledge anything, I'm only saying that making a Windows version of Coldstone isn't as easy as selecting which platforms to build for under RB.

      It will be that easy with Coldstone though :D.

      Dee Brown
      Beenox inc. - (url="http://"") (check our new web site!)
      (url="http://"")Coldstone Game Engine(/url) / (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url) developers

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dee:
      **REALBasic is trully stable only on pre-OSX systems (i.e. "classic"). It could appear to be stable on OSX and Windows but that's for hello world applications or the like. Actually, the C++ part of Coldstone (the compilers and the runtime) are 100% cross-platform. I don't deny nor acknowledge anything, I'm only saying that making a Windows version of Coldstone isn't as easy as selecting which platforms to build for under RB.

      Ok, I suspected that more so than using RB. Thanks!



      It will be that easy with Coldstone though :D.
