Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EV/EVO Newswire: Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe!

      I have just released "Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe"!!!!!!

      The file is called "TechFolder", because the name was too long-winded for a decent title. But download it, please!!!

      It will be worth your time!

      Basically, it is a technical manual on what makes spaceships move and weapons fire. It is like Star Wars' Technical Manual, and Star Trek's Compendium. I worked long and hard on the info and the title graphic. Please give me your opinion on both. Write here or at

      In fact, it is my fond hope that El Presidente will download it and decide to include it with the manual for EV/O.


      Viva El Guapo

      (9 dl's and counting!)

    • It's fine work. If you want it to be taken 'seriously' though it'll have to be bigger IMHO. As far as I can see you need to expand the 'author's' character further. The succint descriptions of weapons, shields etc are exactly right though. Incidentally, have you really only had nine downloads? I thought it was much more than that.
