Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop Tunes

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      Any chance the music from pop-pop will be available in mp3 form? Or is there some way to convert the files? It would be nice to be able to jam to the music while surfing the web (it would make waiting for the pages on my 56K a little less boring :)).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Musapi:
      Any chance the music from pop-pop will be available in mp3 form? Or is there some way to convert the files? It would be nice to be able to jam to the music while surfing the web (it would make waiting for the pages on my 56K a little less boring:) ).

      I tried QuickTime 6 and changing the extension to .mod on a pop-pop piece and no avail, but there is a way.
      No need to fear, If you are using Snapz Pro X, use it to record the audio and save it as an MP3 file.
      It did this on a game called Titus the Fox (running in Virtual PC) and I was able to snag some tunes, even
      on an old Mac!

      TIP: when grabbing audio, use a very small selection to minimalize processor use.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Use the full version of PlayerPro to export as AIFF, then use iTunes to rip them to mp3.


      "Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
      -Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

    • Uh, what if you just rip the sound file into little chunks wwith ResEdit, and then convert to MP3 with iTunes? I did this, and it worked well. Of course, I had to re-download pop-pop, becaouse there wasn't any sound...

      If you attack this, I can securely say, that you are insecure. 😄

    • I asked this question to the pop-pop beta tester list, and mrfreak provided the best answer:


      Originally posted by mrfreak:

      **The Pop-Pop music is mainly from two mod-tracking musicians on the net:
      Phobium (Norweigen 20 year old) and Jean Nine (Finnish 19 year old). Both
      of them have mp3, .xm, and .ogg versions of all their music on their sites,
      as well as a bunch more.

      Their websites are as follows:

      Jean 9:


      Hope that helps. I bet they'd appreciate some fanmail. **

      I think that's the best suggestion - write these folks some nice words of appreciation for their pop-pop tracks, and check out their other stuff.


    • (quote)Originally posted by Musapi:
      **Any chance the music from pop-pop will be available in mp3 form? Or is there some way to convert the files? It would be nice to be able to jam to the music while surfing the web (it would make waiting for the pages on my 56K a little less boring:)

      Custard Shark

    • I think that you can play MP3s while playing pop pop by replacing the song files with whatever songs you want to play.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **I asked this question to the pop-pop beta tester list, and mrfreak provided the best answer:


      I think that's the best suggestion - write these folks some nice words of appreciation for their pop-pop tracks, and check out their other stuff.


      Those sites are terribly out-of-date; the former site has no working MP3 links at all. Besides, I have no idea what I'm looking for.

      Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)
      Is your semi-friendly moderator on the job? (url="http://"")Find out!(/url)

    • I went to Jean 9 and Phobium's web sites (the URLs of which have changed since jinx posted them). They both have a plethora of mp3s to sort through. Through all of my travails, however, I was unable to find the tracks that were included in the game, and I'm afraid that none of the music I downloaded came close to comparing with the music in pop-pop.

      Personally, I think the pop-pop soundtrack in MP3 form would make a great addition to the "add-on files" section of the pop-pop web site. This sounds like a project for the developer, the artists in question, or perhaps a pop-pop devotee (just not me)!

      Oy! I thought you said he was a gettaway driver! What tha f*ck can he get away from?!
      - Vinny

    • Man, that would rock! I was just thinking about this while playing today. pop-pop is the only game I have where I favor the in-game music over my iTunes music. I'll try to go about converting those files...

      All h(url="http://"")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"")e(/url) b(url="http://"")e(/url)cam(url="http://"")e(/url) a non-conformist too.
      Hooray for Hype™!
      ph33r my (url="http://"")Wooden Spoon of Doom™(/url)
      And always remember to Thank (url="http://"")Cake!(/url)

    • Could someone at least elaborate on what I should be looking for on these sites? I know pop-pop tunes only by ear, not by title. Jean Nine's site, particuarly, has trillions of files (none of which, oddly, are in MP3 form. .it suffix? WTF is that?).

      Some time past the 20th square, 18 and 16 shall align, and the shift shall come. -- All shall be revealed in time, comrades. (10.27)

    • .it is an amiga soundtracker module suffix. You can play these files (.xm, .mod, .it, .s3m, etc.) with Mint Audio or Echo by Unsanity software ( or the freeware version of PlayerPRO by Antoine Rosset at (url="http://"") It's easy to download the files, by the way, amiga modules rarely exceed half a megabyte.
