Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop bars are now open

      4 5 461

      Jinx and myself discussed having bars on this web board, and we have decided that they are ok for this board.

      I will be in charge of the bars, even though I had no idea of what one was before I saw the bar today! All I ask is that everyone plays nice (not like I play pop-pop) and gets along.

      And for an extra charactar, remember that butterfly charactar in the help section, the mystery pop? Could be something cool to add to the story.

      If anyone does see something happening, like someone spamming the boards, feel free to contract me. I have to work 5 days a week, but when I get home I will take care of anything needed.

      That said, I think pop-pop is a fun game, and I want this to be a very fun web board! Enjoy.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **I will be in charge of the bars, even though I had no idea of what one was before I saw the bar today! All I ask is that everyone plays nice (not like I play pop-pop) and gets along.


      Ya, you play dirty. I hosted a game (novice elite) and you were the first one to take up on the offer. Bah! Did I ever lose miserably! So much for playing another novice.

      This message has been brought to you by Chestnut

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **And for an extra charactar, remember that butterfly charactar in the help section, the mystery pop? Could be something cool to add to the story.

      Actually, that's Ju Ju the Help Bee. She says so when you first start pop-pop (Hi! I'm Ju Ju the Help Bee!) For a good mystery character, how about the dragon that used to be on He looked good 'n sinister...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Janski:
      **Actually, that's Ju Ju the Help Bee. She says so when you first start pop-pop (Hi! I'm Ju Ju the Help Bee!) For a good mystery character, how about the dragon that used to be on He looked good 'n sinister...


      True, very true.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Yeah, his special could burn the opponents paddle, and while it was flaming, the heat would keep the ball at the top of the screen.

      😄 that would be evil, especially if it was just barely weaker than the magnet.

      If you attack this, I can securely say, that you are insecure. 😄