You could simply add to the damage field.
"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus
You could simply add to the damage field.
"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus
Pallas At the begining of this board you mention several ships that i have never heard of (eljeetian drednaught or something, a couple Obish ships). Have you made pics for these ships?
If so can i have them please, please, i have been working on an Obish plug since the public beta of hera and i really need some obish ships (i created a battleshp out of that liner pic from shoplifter 1 but anyone could have done that). Plus i applyed for that eljeetian position on you High Comand and if im going to get it i nee dto know as much is i can about them. So if you decide to give them to me (i will be very appreciative) please mail them to
and if you dont ohh well ill try to make my own (they will probably suck horribly) and stop bothering you.
As for my WACK idea what about a Drone (like a flak drone) that fires tractor moors at a pretty long range to immobilize attacking ships this would enable your capture pods to work. Of couse it would have to fire pretty slowly and not have that much sheild so it wouldn't be invinsible.
"Learn about art captian,
when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"
Grand Admiral Thrawn
at the fist battle of his
I do plan to make all of my Obish ships public-they will be in a short while or in a month-one or the other. Eleejeetian pics are not made, but I have ALL of the Obish pics on one computer or another. None are rendered, but I'll post them on Angelfire as .s3d as I find them.
"If so, then how does one count to 10 on the Mac?"
"128, 127, 126, 125..."
-Pallas Athene, Member of the Obish Consensus
I've been thinking of a zerbilite that could morph into something (a zerbilite queen or zerbilite warrior or something) .the zerb would have weapons which can change object type into something else and the something else could do something else (maybe morph further). I got this idea from StarCraft Zergs as they morph into things.
I've already made a zerb that can take over (capture) ships
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
I was reading through some old ideas and saw one about a napalm flamethrower. A great idea of course, but i thought it would be even better if you somehow equipped the EVAs with 'em. I imagine it would be quite damageing for a ship to fly through a cluster of EVAs and be sprayed all over with Napalm. Just a thought...
Attack of the Zerberlites, huh? Thats a pretty cool has scenario potential. Hehe, maybe called "The Hive" or something...
Pallas Athene, I'm pretty sure to count to 10 on the mac you would go 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. shrug I'm picky about those things.
"Do or do not. There is no try."
In binary 0,1,10,11,100,101,110,111,1000,1001,1010 HEEHEE!! I could put it in ASCII if I'd just remember how it went. Well in hex it is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A. In Octa it is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12. In decimal it is ofcourse 1,2 8,9,10. HEEHEE!!
I don't know about the attack of the Zerbs, but it was just a thought that there should be a hostile-to-all enemy in the scenario I'm (trying) to plan.
Damn the fact that I can't draw, nor use the Strata 3D well enough (yet).
I have made Sal heavy cruiser picts though (by adding some parts from other sal ships to a plain cruiser (looks alright to me)).
I have made an energizer platform (without the bug that makes shields over charge if you do negative damage, I'd make it replenish your shield too) I was a bit lazy so I had to make it to a neutral (hostile to all) unit. Unless ofcourse I'd make the collide effect itself be the recharging part
The platform looks quite nice too.
Have any of you noticed any bugs in the completed tutorial files? I have many.
Few other wack ideas but not yet to be shared
Napalm would probably have very little effect on those shields :rolleyes: but a plasma thrower
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
(This message has been edited by The Anon (edited 07-09-2000).)
Note: I just realized how to do the "Carrier Pickup."
Multivector/Augmentation to be used...
-Pallas Athene, {M}ilitia Aeriane and Dysian Beta representative to the Obish Consensus
ThinkFish, and good things will come.
Pyro: Um, how? The only way to do that is to disable it. I don't think that's quite fair. It also depends upon the mass of the ship, so I don't think that quite works.
-Pallas Athene, {M}ilitia Aeriane and Dysian Beta representative to the Obish Consensus
ThinkFish, and good things will come.
Um, no it's possible. You'd have to make the beam so it changes the object type (preserve ammo) to a version with no warp speed. Of course it'd have to be a level where there was only one kind of ship it was being used against.
Perhaps if you tinker with the launcher's engage flags it could handle multiple types of objects. Nah, that'd require a lot of objects and probably a PPC to get anything over 1 FPS
Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.
-Orion Axis General Marxx
Well I know we're talking about new ships but what about new guns? These here are ones installed on the Ishiman Gate Ship and The UNS Dreadnought on my upcoming plug The Audemedons. None of these are what you'd call original or exciting but I just thought I'd like to tell them to you.
Ion Cannon: A more powerful version of the trazer cannon, it also temporarily disables enemy ships.
Mega Protopulse: Picture a mini gun combined with a sniper bullet combined with a proto pulse. Extreme fire rate and long range too.
Omega Pulse: The name says it all and the damge says so too.
Nuclear Missile: Again a powerful weapon with 10000 damage.
Turbolaser turret: Autotargetting laser cannon with a damage ratio of 300.
Time is always the best teacher; yet it kills all students!
My gateship isn't too original, just a lepton ray, a nonkinetic turret, and Fullerene turret.
-Pallas Athene, {M}ilitia Aeriane and Dysian Beta representative to the Obish Consensus
ThinkFish, and good things will come.
Um, I think that the nuclear missile is a bit excessive, unless you are using it to kill gateships.
I personally have a Nova missile (rocket) that uses the unused Supernova sprite from Ares. It has a damage of 1000, and then the explosion has a damage of 150. So if you hit a Cantharan carrier heading towrds it with it, and it just passes through, it won't even take half of the shielding away. But if you hit it when it is stationary, it will destroy it. It has a big explosion, and is also good for taking out swarms of fighters. You need to use it sparingly though, because it only has an ammo load of 10.
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
There will be nuclear missiles in StarLance, built on planets and targeted to planets. In StarLance the planets are equipped with planetary defence (differs from planet to planet), the nuclear missile devastates the planet and makes it uninhabitable, superb choice for terraforming (yes, that too) and Colony ships.
Have any of you ever played Galactica: Anoo Dominari? It's an awesome (url="http://"")MonkeyByte Software(/url) game. I'm using the same general concept. One of the factions doesn't capture planets but devastates and re-colonizes them.
Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius
Actually I am making a plugin with a cool idea in it. It's a force shield. It would be a ring shaped object that is launched out of certain stations and will be bigger than the station so any shots fired will just hit the shield. It can only be deactivated by
a) shooting the shield a lot (will have about 10000 health)
destroying the shield generator elsewhere in the level.
To make it cooler I will make the shield's explosion an animation of the shield shrinking back into the station with maybe some color flashes for effect. This is not really cheating because maintaining a shield will use a lot of energy.
Its only fun until someone gets blown up. Then it's REALLY FUN!
erk! A revived topic. I only spotted it's age when I saw a post from Li..cough, cough, er Slug...
Actually, on the subject of force shields, I did put some effort into developing one of these for the Piioni Attack Destroyer in my plug. I couldn't get it to work though.
Another pet project of mine is the development of an "intelligent" cruise missile system that the AI ships will use properly... Any ideas?
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...