There's a Nova Control expression, X----, that will reveal a specific system.
Having "X128, X129, X130..." in the "OnBuy" line of an outfit would reveal systems 128, 129, 130 and so on.
To have an Outfit as a regional map for a specific government, you could try to put an "X----" command for every system that government controls.
On the other hand, only about the first fifty such commands on the "OnBuy" line will work. If the government in question is larger, having the outfit start a mission, or making an invisible, can't-reject mission available in the spaceport, could give you several more lines on which to put more commands.
The outfit has forty-nine "X----" commands in it's "OnBuy" line, followed by "b300."
A mission has "b300" as it's availability expression, so it's only available when the player has purchased the outfit.
The mission's "OnStart" and "OnAccept" will run automatically, giving you another fifty commands each, another fifty systems explored.
If you're willing to explain it as a download time, and tell the player that the rest of the map will be uploaded to the player in flight, you can also use "OnShipDone" for some unmarked special ship that the player observes on takeoff, and "OnAbort," if you have "A----" to abort itself at the end of the "OnShipDone" field. You might or might not also want "!b300" at the end of "OnAbort," depending on if you need cröns to "X----" any more systems.
If you were using such a crön, it'd have as its EnableOn test "b300," just like the mission above, but the crön would have "!b300" at the end instead of the mission (You wouldn't want it running all the time).
If you needed still more, you'd have a series of such cröns, and only the last one in the series would call "!b300"
+50 from OnBuy
+50 from OnStart
+50 from OnAccept
+50 from OnShipDone
+50 from OnAbort
+50 x N from crön OnStart from N number of consecutive cröns
+50 x N from crön OnEnd from N number of consecutive cröns
-1 from "b300"
-1 from "A----"
-1 from "!b300"
So, yes. It should be possible, if you don't mind writing "x256 x257 x258 x259 x300 x301 x302...." and so on for three-hundred iterations.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 01 January 2008 - 01:11 PM