You are joking right?
Please don't take this as a flame, I certainly don't mean it as such.
However, why in the world would Rubber Ducky release the source code for DiD, and thereby release all the secrets of the scenario? This could potentially ruin the fun of exploring/learning/PLAYING these strings.
If any of them were so thoroughly worked over with no secrets left to be found outside the boards, then sure, releasing source code might help aspiring developers (which I'm guessing you are) learn and hence make new plugs. but I know from looking at the boards, even Spells Expander has many untold secrets and as for DiD, it's quite a bit newer and even therefore less explored.
If what you want is some clues on developing, I'd suggest emailing developers directly.
edit - forgot to run spell checker
(This message has been edited by ALdbeign (edited 01-25-2004).)