Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Plug Idea

      Just wondering

      More then likley this has been brought up many times, and i tried taking a look further back in the pages but didnt see anything but here it is anyway!

      Is it possiable to make a plug that brought all the races and their ships from EVO?? to EVN?? Would it be to hard to add the new grpahics to the ships?? 🙂

    • There is a TC.

      If you mean concodantly with the EVN universe: It would take a lot of work.

    • well i mean just add a few new systems that have their ships in there so u can buy and use the outfits or fight em 🙂 but hey whats the link to the TC????

    • Look on the Addons-page.

      Then please read the manuals at the top of the dev board.

    • You just described a plug-in you'd like to see. Why don't you make one? As far as they go, that one might be sort of easy, all things considered.
      If still had EV/EVO and my registration info I might do just that.

    • There's an EV/EVN parallel universe plug-in as well. It's by Jonatahan Boyd, and it's called Classic4Nova. Take a guess as to where you can find it.

    • Multiple question marks at the end of a question won't make the answers any more meaningful.