After seeing 'The mrxak Challenge' get bumped back to the first page, I decided to give the Ship Hangar challenge a try using the theory that Aprosenf suggested. His basic outline is a good start, and with a few tweaks will accurately count, remember, and give back the correct number of outfits on command. I did however hit one major snag...
For some reason, Gxxx/Dxxx operators used in the On Buy or On Sell fields of weapon and ammo type outfits will prevent me from actually being given the outfit I tried to buy. The 'Buy' button is enabled, it will take my credits, and properly evaluate the On Buy set string (Gxxx or Dxxx). What it won't do is actually give me the outfit I tried to buy in the first place. When done with a non-weap/ammo type outfit, everything works perfectly.
So I set aside the Ship Hangar plug-in just in case I did something screwy and started a fresh simple plug-in. One new 'empty' outfit, and edited the stock Nova Light Blaster to Gxxx the empty outfit On Buy. Same problem. Tried with the Sensor Boost, no problem. Also, the Bxxx operator does not cause this problem to occur. (I didn't test all operators, just Bxxx, Gxxx, and Dxxx).
Just wondering if anyone else has encoutered this, or could think of what else I could possibly be doing wrong. I am a WinNova user, so it's possible that this is a platform specific bug. Thanks.