Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The tab order of the controls on the bottom is messed up
fixed (I went through and set the order before compiling. Don't know what happened)
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
Once you change the zoom level, you can't get it back to exactly 100% (it will go to either 99% or 101%)
fixed (now using numeric scroller)
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
Because of the above, the coordinates then get displayed as something like (-0.0808080808080813, -0.424242424242424)
Coordinate display has been locked to integers.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The axes aren't drawn when it first loads up
fixed (it's hell when debugging some sections of the code though. The event triggers everytime you switch to the program, sometimes that runs it straight into a breakpoint, bumping focus back to the code view.)
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
If you set a mouse click to center on click, it functions somewhat counter-intuitively: it moves the (0, 0) to where you click. In most applications, the point at the center of the screen is moved to where you click, not the origin. Because of this, you can't scroll the origin off the screen.
Didn't realize it was counter intuitive. That's changed (add/subtract swap), and consectutive centers go farther.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
When you save a file, it prints: "Created by:" "EVNEW Public Beta 1.0.2". You should print out that it was created by EVN Cartographer, not EVNEW.
fixed. Copy-paste error from a sample EVNEW text export. 
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
Why are you only allowing 1000 systems? The Nova engine supports up to 2048
I missed that somewhere. Max systems increased to 2048.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
When opening a file you shouldn't break out when an empty line is encountered
I know. I cant locate an end-of-file test to avoid crashing at the end of the file. I'm going to try a couple more things and then ask the professor tomorrow.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The tool tip for the map area is more annoying than it is helpful. Either reduce the time it will appear for to a few seconds or get rid of it entirely.
Time shortened. Added ability to turn them off, as well.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The checkbox for turning system labels on and off should have a label or a tool tip; currently it has neither.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The keyboard shortcut for exiting probably should not be Ctrl+X, since that is normally used for cutting. I recommend Alt+F4 for exitting, that's what almost every program uses.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
The titles of the file open and file save dialogs are "Open EVNew Text" and "Save EVNew Text" respectively. Please capitalize every letter of EVNEW.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
If you attempt to exit with unsaved changes, the message box that appears should have a Cancel option like every other application.
fixed. Accidently left the message box out of a saved test.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
If you exit immediately upon opening without creating or opening anything, it should not prompt you about saving unsaved changes, also like every other application
That uses the same test as above.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
But so far, you've done a great job. Unfortunately, VB does not convert very easily into C++ (and vice-versa), especially for heavy Windows GUI code.
Yeah. I'd would have used C++ (and probably built it into EVNEW), except my knowledge of C++ covers the basics in DOS, and I can't make heads or tails of your code. I was surprized I found the copy-paste error in the shan source.
Originally posted by: Aprosenf
Oh yeah, and the latest version of EVNEW (Public Beta 1.0.3) has been out long enough that I may slash the "Public Beta" from its status and declare it a release. There has been only one bug reported since the last release, and that involved sounds, a feature used much less frequently by the average Nova developer, and there are a few features I threw in also.
I was wondering about the state of the beta.
Are those features you speak of in 1.0.3, or did you just tweak your copy?
Quick Q on cicns: what exactly is EVNEW looking for when it says Palleted Bitmaps? I've tried multiple settings from both Paint and Photoshop, and the resource won't take them.
The only intelligent thing a computer can do without the aid of its programmer is go on strike when required to work without air conditioning
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/artanis/EVNOdds.html")My EVN Capture Odds Calculator(/url) (flash 7 required) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/artanis/Captaintripps10000.jpg")Oops.(/url)