Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I need some more help with making my plug

      I am making my first plug,( a simple weapon) and I understand how to do pretty much everything except make a weapon description and how to set a outfitter graphic ( the launcher and ammo graphic). I once again looked in the Nova Bible but haven't found anything on how to do it. I don't mean to be a pest with my questions. 😄

      You say: " I'm Bored."
      I say: " Get a Mac."

    • There actually is no weapon description -- the description you see in the Outfitter shop is actually a description of the outfit.

      To get the description working, make a desc resource with an id of 3000 + index number of the outfit resource. (Index number = resource ID - 128 I believe) If you have NovaTools installed, it will tell you what the index is.

      The outfitter graphic needs to be a PICT resource with ID of 6000 + index number of the outfit resource.

      I'm not sure where these are originally defined... I just read them off of a menu in ResEdit that NovaTools installs. I think there is a utility somewhere that will generate these IDs for you, but I don't remember where it is... anyone else know?


    • Thanks Mr.Flippy! I'm just now learning to make plugins and it's nice how you guys reply quickly and how you give good descriptions. you've made making plugins a whole lot easier!!!

      You say: " I'm Bored."
      I say: " Get a Mac."