Hello. My name here is Zacha Pedro. It's hard for me to admit it but...
Go ahead. We've all been through this.
I'm a casual plug coder for EV(O).
Hello Zacha Pedro. mumblings
Actually you can call me Pedro; if you have played EVO enough you should know the zachit is a mercenary rganisation whose member refer themselves as "Zacha (name)". So when I decided to register I wondered: what characterisises(sp?) me the best? My game name is (and has always been) Pedro, but that was just too mundane to be put as a webboard nickname. So I added Zacha before it. I registered as soon as I discovered the webboards, which is actually a fair bit of time after I discovered the ASW website.
Personal info: classified, but I think I could do you a favor and disclose it, just let me type the password...
My real name is Pierre Lebeaupin. I'm 19. I'm male. I live in France, I'm French, I'm doing my studies in France, etc... They have actually nothing to do with programming or artwork yet.
I discovered Maelstrom on someone else's mac, but my family did not have a color mac for a while. When I got one I could at last play this game. I discovered EV soon aferwards, and it didn't take me much time to learn how to use plugs and modify things in them.
I said I'm a casual plug coder, as I know how to edit every single thing in plugs for EV and EVO, but I just can't do any graphics, I can barely edit them (change color, copy and past and make it look right). I'm especially fond of making plugs that custom the game to my bidding and editing other's plug for the same reason, things that are not worth uploading, and commiting into personal projects I do never finish, if ever I truly began them. I've uploaded some things that I wonder if they are worth mentioning, but yet here there are:
-made little (actually tiny) plugs for EV(one that make pirates have more weapons than stock ships, one another that added Lethean/Cydonian not-that-specific ships) and EVO (that allowed you to have the disco machine gun; actually a cheat)
-when a guy wanted to make a plug named Dark Station adding this station with some interesting and nifty yet not overpowerful outfits and weapons, he posted a topic here to ask for ideas of what he could put. He received too many, and I proposed to actually participate, which I did (the fuel bomb factory and the decay missiles are my ideas and my work, exept for picts, as usual)
-contributed to seant's definitive (3.0) Pilot File Editor
However, I have recently discovered a developpement environment called Revolution that is like HyperCard but much more powerful and cross-platform that may actually be used to make plug editors for WinNova! If I find a PC I can use I'll try to see if I can effectively make limited plug editors (that open only one simple res, like dΓ«scs) and I'll let you know.
My other future plans include playing Nova (I only recently got the opportunity to pay for sharewares and order the AmbrosiaCD, as I have dial-up) and write plugs for it (you may know the Bible but you can't effectively do plugs if you don't have the game - I only recently knew about mouse targeting).
Here you are. Is my situation more serious than I thought? Will I ever recover? 
(EDIT)Sorry, it does not seem to be possible to do a plug editor for Nova on Win without knowing complicated things such as the details of the raw apple ressource file, so I've abandonned the idea.
M'enfin! Y'a personne qui parle français ici?
Suport the Γ! Replace all your ss's by Γ's!
(This message has been edited by Zacha Pedro (edited 10-20-2003).)