Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • flët resource discrepancy (Bible & novatools)


      i got a couple of questions about the flët resource. Firstly in Novatools™ the system choice field has 2 extras which arent documented in the EVN bible ( "Gövt ID or classmate" starting at 30000 and "Not Gövt ID or classmate" starting at 31000). are these as simple as they sound (a system belonging (or not belonging in the 2nd case) to the government you enter plus any of its classmates), and if so why do they not appear in the Bible (any reason or just forgetfulness)??

      my other question is about the 'freighters with random cargo' flag. I entered it for a fleet resource, but despite having boarded several freighters from that fleet (liners and pegasi) they havent had any cargo, same as if i had left the box unchecked. Is this because the fleet is being called as a reinforcement düde (i put it as the ID of the reinforcement fleet for viking) and so for some reason has no cargo, or is this some mistake somewhere??

      thanks for any help


      "All things are possible. Most are highly improbable"

    • Partial answer to #2: Reinforcment fleets start with almost nothing, regardless of the settings of the fleet. Make it a random fleet (100% prob) and try it then-it SHOULD work. I'll try it and make sure.

      ~Charlie Sibbach