Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Nova Graphics

      Rather then guess, I might as well ask. What angle from the horizontal are nova graphics rendered at?

      Democracy is like a Reimann sum...

    • Nevermind... I guess it really is 45 degrees. I've tried 10, 30 and 45, and out of those 45 looked to be by far the closest to Nova's graphics. If anyone's interested I can make my test renders available.

      Democracy is like a Reimann sum...

    • I'd be very interested in seeing your test renders.

      Any news on the EV:MP project? I still play build 13 every once in a while, but Nova adds many of the nice features in it.

      Welcome back, kberg.


      (This message has been edited by Eytee (edited 03-27-2002).)

    • If anyone is interested in the Mech canmera angles that seem the closest to me to Nova's graphics, I've been using either
      x 0
      y 1.5
      z -2
      x 0
      y 3
      z -4
      Anything to those proportions seems right. I have two(almost three) shans done for Rift and they seem pretty darn good.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kberg:
      **Nevermind... I guess it really is 45 degrees. I've tried 10, 30 and 45, and out of those 45 looked to be by far the closest to Nova's graphics. If anyone's interested I can make my test renders available.


      Correct. I asked the same question a while back and I believe it was someone from ATMOS who confirmed that it was 45 degrees.

      Less movie, more chapstick

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Nadir:
      **Correct. I asked the same question a while back and I believe it was someone from ATMOS who confirmed that it was 45 degrees.


      Isn't there a field in the nova shan resource that one can garner this information from? The Up/Dncompress?

      Modo Numerus Nemo Vir Est.
      Sic Semper Omnibus!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SD:
      Isn't there a field in the nova shan resource that one can garner this information from? The Up/Dncompress?


      The Up/DnCompress fields only affect the calculation of weapon exit points. They are not related to anything, merely gotten by trial and error.

      I would find the original topic, but that would be a waste of time.

      (insert random quote from web board random quote display)