Originally posted by Wicked Faerie:
I have an iMac 500 mhz and POG crashes on it. POG crashes more frequently when fighting mages or tougher monsters & crashed twice on my husband while using the elf's portal. So I don't think it's just a dual processor issue. We are using the most current OSX version and I wonder if this is a problem in X or in POG...
This is a problem with OS X. Ambrosia has had a world of bug reports from OS X, both with POG and with the game editor that created POG. They are currently working on a patch for their game editor which should fix most(if not all) of the issues with OS X. It would be my guess that once the editor is patched it will only take a recompile of the POG data files to create a new version of POG that is fixed for OS X. So I am looking for an updated Coldstone and POG out in the near future.
Btw, I would still strongly recommend sending a bug report in to notify them of your problem. Even if they have already heard about your particular problem it would be better that they have an excess of reports than it would be for no one to send the report in and the bug not be fixed(and thus you continue to have these problems). Plus it is possible that someone sent in a bug report on this issue but the designers were unable to reproduce it, and any additional information that you give might help them to find and resolve the issue. So please send in a bug report as it is the only way to guarentee that this issue receives the proper attention.
Bug reports can be made by sending an email to: help@ambrosiasw.com with an informative subject heading(in this instance something like: POG bug report - crashing under OS X). In your email please provide your system specs(hardware, memory, Operating system version) and as much information about the bug as possible(when does it crash, does it crash more frequently when you do certain things, etc). The more info you can provide will make it easier for the designers to track down the problem and fix it for you.
People usually get what's coming to them ... unless it's been mailed.