Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Infini-D

      I have three questions: One, since Infini-D is no longer made, would it be illegal for someone to make a copy and send it to me, or send me their copy of Infini-D if they don't want it anymore, or does this violate piracy laws? Since Infini-D isn't made anymore, the company isn't making any money from it, so does the piracy laws still apply?

      Second question: If sending me a copy of it would be legal, would someone? I'd really like to get my hands on it.

      Three: If none of the above work, is there a place I could get a copy of Infini-D?


      P L A T Y P U S

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Platypus:
      ... since Infini-D is no longer made, would it be illegal for someone to make a copy and send it to me, or send me their copy of Infini-D if they don't want it anymore, or does this violate piracy laws? Since Infini-D isn't made anymore, the company isn't making any money from it, so does the piracy laws still apply?

      Even though Infini-D is no longer for sale, it's owners still control the copyright, since they have no obligation to sell the product. Therefore, it would be just as illegal for someone to send you a copy as it ever was.


      Originally posted by Platypus:
      If none of the above work, is there a place I could get a copy of Infini-D?

      This isn't from personal experience, but I've heard that (url="http://"")eBay(/url) is a good place to look.

      David Arthur
      (url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by David Arthur:
      **This isn't from personal experience, but I've heard that eBay is a good place to look.


      ebay? A very good place to look...A few months back, I found three copies of Infini-D up for auction.

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      -Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
      (url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
      (url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

    • (url="http://"")Eovia(/url) sells Carrara, which is apparently Infini-D combined with Ray Dream. It just came out a few weeks ago for $400. If you want it, download Amapi from (url="http://"") , register it, and you'll be eligible for the $200 sidegrade pricing


      Introducing Carrara Studio™--The Successor of Ray Dream Studio and Infini-D™, the most popular 3D graphics applications for the Macintosh and Windows. Carrara Studio is the complete, extensible and affordable 3D solution for modeling, animation, rendering, and special effects. Optimized for blazing performance, Carrara Studio enables full real time scene manipulation and high-quality 3D rendering up to eleven times faster than its predecessors. With an elegant, intuitive and uncluttered user interface, Carrara Studio delivers professional results without a professional learning curve. Whether experienced in 3D or not, Carrara Studio is the clear choice for every digital artist, web designer and multimedia producer.**

      GameRanger SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • Whoa, Ray dream with infini-d? That sounds like a pretty good combination, considering the fact that the starwars TC plugins were made with ray dream.
      Good work, David arthur, you got another karma point!

      I cant wait to see what comes out of Carrara, I would imagine it would come very close with the capabilities of lightwave.

      o jsyr upi s;;. o vsmy dysmf upit moy(ovlomh esud pg frhtsfomh ,u eptl gpt ejsy oy od./ o eodj upi s;; epi;f kidy ;rsbr ,u s;pmr/ tssssssssssss

    • Not to change the subject, but if your looking for free 3-d software try using StrataVision 3d, it's not perfect but it has some nice features for a free product. Version 5 costs money but version 4 is free you can download it at (url="http://""), or if you have MacAddict CD 38 or 39 its on there too.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Buii:
      Not to change the subject, but if your looking for free 3-d software try using StrataVision 3d, it's not perfect but it has some nice features for a free product. Version 5 costs money but version 4 is free you can download it at, or if you have MacAddict CD 38 or 39 its on there too.

      Stratavision is no longer available. I believe Version 5 was equivalent to Strata StudioPro 1.75. Strata StudioPro has been renamed to Strata 3d, has reached version 3.5 and is available in 3 different packages:

      Strata 3d base($0.00)
      This is pretty cheap. Many of the features of the previous free version(3.0.2) have been removed such as:
      Advanced Texture controls
      Animation( almost a necessity for sprites)
      and probably a bunch of other stuff. This software is pretty worthless and I wouldn't recommend it. It's also incompatible with the Strata plugins and they aren't going to update them for compatibility.

      Strata 3d plus ($150)
      Much better than Base. It's well worth the pricetag and is even better than the old free version because of the addition of features such as booleans and skinning. It will be compatible with the plugins once they're updated. I use this software for all of my 3d work and highly recommend it.

      Strata 3d pro ($895)
      I haven't personally used this, but it offers all of the plugins built in, as well as quite a few extra plugins that aren't available otherwise. It features altivec support and radiosity rendering as well. If you have multiple computers, it also has a network rendering feature. You can get it cheaper by first buying Plus for $149 and then upgrading for $359, for a final pricetag of $508, compared to the normal $895 price.

      Oh, and Buii: does SV4 include the hotspot, pixiedust, and Fire&Smoke; tools?

      GameRanger SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • Bleh. You'd be better of buying Cinema 4D or Lightwave. 😉 (only around $2000)

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      -Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
      (url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
      (url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

    • <deleted-- wrong thread>

      (This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 08-02-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Buii:
      Not to change the subject, but if your looking for free 3-d software try using StrataVision 3d, it's not perfect but it has some nice features for a free product. Version 5 costs money but version 4 is free you can download it at, or if you have MacAddict CD 38 or 39 its on there too.

      Yeah, I have the downloaded file sitting on a CD-R, but I only am running System 7.5.5 right now. I have to wait to upgrade (I believe you need Mac OS 8 to run Strata-3D).

      P L A T Y P U S