From the EV Bible Annotated Edition, weaps chapter
AmmoType What kind of ammo the weapon uses
-1 Ignored (unlimited ammo)
0-63 Draws ammo from this type of weapon. (Usually, if your
Hector Cannon was of ID 131, you'd set the AmmoType to
3 so it'd use Hector Birdseed Pellets or whatever.
However, you could conceivably set it to use ammo from
another weapon's supply by setting the AmmoType to
something else.) This is the wëap index#.
-1000 & below Weapon uses abs(AmmoType+1000) units of fuel per shot.
My interpretation: if two weaps have the same AmmoType (3 say), then both of them should draw ammo from the same weapon ammo supply. However I cannot cause this effect to occur.
I created 2 weaps (with outfs to buy the weaps) which use the same ammo, supplied by a single outf. The ammo outf requires a weap ID for ModVal which specifies which weapon it loads. When I buy the ammo outf, it only loads ammo for the weap specified in this field. The other weap never gets ammo and cannot fire. I can create another ammo outf to load the second weap, but the second weap will an independent ammo supply-- the ammo is not shared as I desired.
Is there any way for multiple weaps to share the same ammo supply? (obscure/obscene hacks welcome)