Well if you have played my plugin Battle of Milky Way, then you know that I did a bad job. I'm making a new one and I've figured out that textures really help out a lot. The one on the top is one where there's no texture and the one on the bottom is with texture. The one on the bottom is going to be in my new plug called Reech. If anybody wants to help just click on the e-mail tab above the message and e-mail me if you want to help. And if you don't say that texturing helps....your a dork! I had to edit the message cause I had to fiddle with getting the images right. And also the images are in 256 color and I know that the bottom one has a bad color for the front section.
Reech is coming.
Get ready for it.
(This message has been edited by ImmortalFirefly (edited 05-14-2001).)