Hi, I'll get right to the point. I'm making a new plugin for EVO, but I need graphics for it. I don't have a graphics program, and I don't know if I can get one (and learn to use it) for an acceptable price. I have ideas for new ships, and I don't want graphics that are just, like, repaints of the existing EVO ships. I need new ships. There's a couple of designs, and if you post your responses here, or e-mail me, I'll tell you all of them. One of the ideas, though, to pique your interest, is a new United Earth starfighter. It would have the same basic design as the original UE Fighter, and looks human in origin, but it looks very modified, and looks like a heavy fighter, instead of a light fighter, but it looks like it can still maneuver and fight like and better than the original UE Fighter. Basically what I want, if you didn't get all that, is a new UE Fighter-Bomber, that has the same basic design as the UE Fighter and looks human in design. But I want it to look like a heavy version of the UE Fighter. If you're interested, first e-mail me or post with your comments, questions, etc., or send me your sketches or other graphics files for this idea. Keep in mind, however, that I will not be paying you, but if and when I get finished with this plug, it will have your name in it somewhere (visible to the player).
P.S. Also, if you're interested in doing this job, and have made it known to me, I'll send you the specs for all of my ships needing graphics.