Okay, quick background on mission bits:
The numbers are in no way related to the mission ID numbers. Think of mission bits as 256 light switches, that can be in one of two locations: Set or Clear. They all start Clear. To make a mission, ship, system, or outfit available, Override first checks the mission bits. When you make a mission, there is a field that says "Avail Bit Set". That bit needs to be set for the mission to be available. In addition, there is "Avail bit clear" and "Comp bit set". To make a mission string, you make the first one have no Avail Bit Set (put -1 in the field). Then, put a 1 in the comp bit set field and a 1 in the avail bit clear field. This will say:
"To make this mission, no bits need to be set, but bit 1 needs to be clear. Once the mission is done, bit 1 will be set."
This also ensures that the mission will only be available once. If you try to get it again, it won't be available because bit #1 is set.
Then, for the next mission, you make "avail bit set" = 1, comp bit set = 2, and avail bit clear = 2. This will say:
"To make this mission, bit 1 needs to be set, but bit 2 needs to be clear. Once the mission is done, bit 2 will be set".
And so on. You see, mission bits are just little things out there that, in reality, have no direct linkage to mission ID numbers. It's just however the plug developer wants to do it.
So, to find what mission sets bit 62, you look through all the missions to find the place that has the field Comp Bit Set = 62. Or, if you know that that mission makes a new technology available (Lets say, the UE Cruiser), then the mission that gives you that would be a good place to start.
Dan! The food's gone!