I'm making a spřb in ResEdit for my plug, but it won't let me close it.
The error message is: (I quote) "Invalid Hex Long"
What does this mean, and how can I correct it?
To each his own,
I'm making a spřb in ResEdit for my plug, but it won't let me close it.
The error message is: (I quote) "Invalid Hex Long"
What does this mean, and how can I correct it?
To each his own,
Never Mind. I found what happened:
When I set the flags for the spob, the last column added up to 15. I assigned the letter "O" in the last colmn, because O is the 15th letter of our alphabet. But, as I found out checking the ResEdit beginner's guide, 10=A, 11=B, and so on.
I don't know if that will ever help anyone, but if anyone sees "Invalid Hex Long" as an error message, that's what it means.
On another note, does Schmelta V work for creating EVO missions?
U-99 wrote:
On another note, does Schmelta V work for creating EVO missions?
Actually, Schmelta CAN make EVO missions. After you make them just make sure to check them over using Res-Edit. EVO adds four new lines to the missions, so make sure you edit those, otherwise you will have bugs...
Joe Burnette wrote:
**U-99 wrote:
On another note, does Schmelta V work for creating EVO missions?
I've got a Data file uploaded to my site (EVO Site, check the sig) that can be used to make missions in Schmelta with EVO
Micah L.
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