Originally posted by Shade:
**But the Terrans only have 1 planet,Terra,in the New Sol system!
How can they build BASE ships?
They get some nifty mines the Odine used to own.
Originally posted by Redchigh:
**Shade, im proud of you for reading up on RoC II, but just few points I think you were left out of.
the Q'an, I'ase, and Prylak have massive governments outside of the milky way. I'ase, I could be wrong, but the Qan has tens of thousands, and the Prylak millions of ships out of the milky way.
RoC III takes place (in my closest estimate) at least 50 years after RoC III. Also in RoC III I will have a ship named after the silverstone, that is a ship carved out of asteroids that doesn't need a shipyard to build.**
20 years, actually. And...err... Q'an have about 5000 ships, Prylak 500,000 (that is with the scale down, though, so I guess you're not far off) With scaledown, Galactica have the most with 2500.
And...erm...Red...I'm not gonna bring the Q'an Empire in, anymore. <gulps> Or if I do, they'll be locked in combat with a slightly better Prylak force. 
ph33r the Starfortresses.